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CFE Guru Bootcamp Program
What’s included:
Ultra-efficient Bootcamp program specifically targeted to the most relevant areas, including all the prep and help required for you to pass the CFE exam successfully.
- 20 hours of live instruction
- LIVE online kick-off lecture (10 AM-2 PM EST) before the peak studying begins Sunday, March 2nd (May CFE) and Sunday, June 8th (September writers) Deep dive into the CFE.
- 2 full days Bootcamp lecture in a classroom setting in Toronto, in person and online instruction. This will be held the weekend of May 3rd and 4th full days 10 AM-5 PM EST (May writers) and July 26th and 27th (September writers).
- Also held Online for writers who cannot come in. Super hands-on, covering all 3 days of the CFE. There will be case reading, planning, case writing, debriefing, and live hands-on drills to improve case writing instantly. Technical refresher on commonly tested topics. Homework and pre-work required.
- Final Bonus lecture on May 15th (May CFE) and September 4th (September CFE) for additional support, confidence booster, mental health and stress coaching
- Access to online pre-recorded lectures 13 modules. Step-by-step guidance on the CFE where you can watch each lecture multiple times for additional clarity
- Marking of 5 cases by a current CPA Canada CFE exam marker, including Marking of a Mini mock exam.
- In-depth personalized written feedback on ALL marked cases to ensure writers know and understand exactly what their weaknesses are and what is needed to move to the next level. This will allow students to catch weaknesses in a timely manner and fix these issues.
- Detailed Study Schedule starting March 1st (May CFE) and June 15th (September CFE) leading up to the CFE to prevent last-minute cramming
- Performance tracker by competency area and assessment opportunities and monthly Check ins for accountability and making sure any red flags during the study process are addressed timely.
- Initial onboarding Interview where we discuss personal goals/ expectations and other details. End of February (May CFE writers) and June (September writers) Each writer is unique and in order for me to help you maximize on your studies, I need to know you.
- Personalized Support. All questions writers have will be personally responded to by myself.